I am bursting with pure excitement as I just received my first ever filofax! Thats right I'm no longer a filofax virgin. After I spent lengthly hours researching the best bargain that ships to Australia, I popped my cherry with a Raspberry Personal Metropol Filofax.
Why that type?.. Well for the tldr explanation on what I chose to purchase, I suddenly became aware of Filofaxes from High School Experiences Youtube channel; and particularly this video which showed a Filofax.
Purchase cost $35.37 from Fish Pond - www.fishpond.com.au (on sale)
I was attracted to the colour as it looked bright and pretty, and the Metropol seemed liked a good starter as it was cheap (ish) and had a clasp button which I believe is more study than the dominos. I read on Philofaxy (philofaxy.blogspot.com.au/) that the Dominos elastic band holder loosens with age.
I took some basic photos as I unwrapped it.
As you can see from the photos it is so cute and functional :) It is way better in person that on the website. Its almost a fashion accessory, like a clutch to show in public.
I like the webbed rear pocket, which will be handy for storing post-its and stickers. Im not sure if I will put cards in the card holders yet.
Stay tuned for my next blog which will be how I chose to decorate it. Having briefly skimmed through the provided pages I know i will alter the setup to suit me and eliminate any pages I deem unnecessary.
Comment for questions regarding stocklists or whatever.
Thanks for reading :)